Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum Review

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With the most cutting edge beauty advancement and scientific technology available today, researchers discovered how to harness the healing effects of stem cells from a rare breed of Swiss apple. Not only have they uncovered how to extract and study these cells; they have also dedicated years of study on how to use its youth regenerating properties on human skin.

With this discovered, Aquallure's Apple Stem Cell serum was born.

This serum has been proven to be of help with most common facial blemishes, from fine lines and crows' feet to deep-set wrinkles. No foe is too strong for the vitamin-based serum to tackle. Fine lines can be adjusted in moments, and deeper creases can see almost instant improvement too. That is thanks to one of the star ingredients in this serum which acts like a form of Botox, but more on that below.

Even with the power of the Uttwiler Spätlauber Swiss apple, Aquallure has further enhanced their serum with a multitude of vitamins and the unparalleled power of Peptides. It's an all-in-one skin serum that is receiving rave reviews, so naturally we had to see for ourselves if it was truly worthy of so much praise.

A Deeper Look at Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum

Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum

The apple behind all of this is called the "Uttwiler Spätlauber" in its home of Switzerland.

Even as long ago as the 18th century, this apple was still seen as valuable thanks to its genetic resistance to spoilage. In other words, in years when food harvests needed to last through other seasons, these apples could be harvested and stored for much longer than most other common apples, and yet remain edible long past when others would have gone bad.

It has only been in recent years with the help of a massive ecological breakthrough, have scientists been enabled to discover that these regenerative properties can be extracted and reapplied through stem cells.

When these apple stem cells are applied to human skin, these cells act as they would normally do in their own home; they identify any damaged cells and begin the process of repair via construction of new collagen bonds.

In the meantime, the cells in contact with undamaged cells are acting to enhance and rejuvenate. These apple stem cells also bring hydration deep into the dermis of the skin, plumping from within to not just reduce the appearance of wrinkles, but eliminate the source as well.

Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum Key Ingredients

This serum is an excellent addition to the Aquallure skin line, as this is the only one of the bunch which provides an immediately visibly boost. This is thanks to one of its star ingredients, Argireline, which shows an instant reduction in facial sagging. Meanwhile, Aquallure's Apple Stem Cell serum's additional ingredients work in the background over repeated use to eliminate wrinkles where they are formed. Hyaluronic Acid and Argan Oil work together to hydrate while Vitamin C fights free radicals and improves the skin's overall tone.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is widely known for its incredible antioxidant powers. We all know how healthy it is for our insides, but did you know it is also fantastic as a topical application for keeping your skin glowing and youthful? Vitamin C can drastically brighten skin, even out tone, improve hydration, protect from pollutants, and further reduce the most common sides of aging. But just consuming the Vitamin orally isn't enough. For best skin results, it is important that Vitamin C be used topically.


This beauty secret is often referred to as "Botox in a Jar". The reason for this moniker is that Argireline is created from the exact same bacterium as Botox. But they are not at all the same thing. Instead, think of them more like cousins. Brand named Botox must be injected for efficacy, but Argireline can be utilized in topical applications (such as serums) and work just as quickly. Argireline mimics the Botox effect of firming facial muscles, temporarily halting the development of wrinkles. This provides the instant boost in appearance, and is one of the largest benefits of Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum.

Hyaluronic Acid

This fascinating humescent is naturally made inside the human body in small quantities. It is mostly used in the maintenance and upkeep of our skin, eyes, and connective tissues. It helps lubricate our joints and eyes thanks to its hyper moisturizing properties. Studies are currently underway to investigate the potential for bone strengthening effects as well. When used topically on human skin, Hyaluronic Acid seals in all available moisture, encouraging cells to retain a plump, youthful look.

Argan Oil

This beauty staple comes from Morocco, and is another one of the most popular beauty ingredients on the market. It is for good reason, as well. Argan Oil is one of the most effective skin hydrating ingredients in existence, but the complicated process to create it is tedious and expensive, meaning many other products often 'water down' their Argan Oil with other, cheaper types of oil, like Sunflower Oil. Aquallure does nothing of the sort, however, as we can see that there is no inferior oil on the short ingredient list.

Multi-Peptide Complex

The human body creates a fixed amount of peptides, which are the microscopic proteins formed by the break-down of collagen into amino acids. These are constantly being naturally created and broken down by the process of cell turnover. When applied in additional amounts topically, peptides -more than almost any other component- have become heroes of modern skin care and agents in fighting the visible effects of aging. Peptides encourage the skin to create more collagen, which fills any gaps caused by wrinkles and developing lines. As another bonus, peptides also bring minerals deep down into our skin.

Full Ingredients List for Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum

Aqua, Hydroxyethylcellulose, xanthan gum, swiss apple stem cell extract, argireline, peptides, Hyaluronic Acid, potassium sorbate, argan oil, jojoba oil, sodium hydroxymethylglycinate, pantothenic acid, kojic acid, licorice root extract, coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C ester, vitamin E, niacinamide, Benzyl alcohol, Propylene Glycol, phenoxyethanol, Dehydroacetic Acid, Fragrance

Benefits of Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum

Directions: How to Use Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum

As with any new skin care product, when trying for the first time, apply a small amount to the underside of your wrist and wait twenty-four hours. If no adverse effects occur, proceed to use on face as intended.

Thoroughly wash your face with a cleanser and gently pat dry with a non-fibrous cloth, as you should already do as part of your usual daily skin routine. Then, apply a pearl-sized dollop of Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum to your fingertips. Gently dot your entire face, neck, decollete, taking care to apply extra in troublesome areas. Massage into skin using small circles.

This serum can be applied under makeup, and works best when accompanied by a complete skincare routine including any additional moisturizers you may use. For increased efficacy, use first thing in the morning and right before bed.

Should You Buy Aquallure Apple Stem Cell Serum?

This serum by Aquallure is one of our new favorites, for sure! The super speedy temp fix from the Argireline is a life-saver in a pinch, and the healing action behind the scenes will kick in almost just as quickly. If you need some help in a hurry, this serum is the one you want to give a shot! A little goes a long way, and being consistent yields even more benefits.

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All information is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of publication.

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